Sandi brought along the walkie-talkies her family uses at their cabins in Canada, as she had discovered in her research that "geyser-gazers"--that breed of professional geek that has become obsessed with geysers and their behavior-- carried them tuned to channel 4.5 and would talk to one another as they sat and waited for signs (or indicators) that a particular geyser was getting ready to erupt. We were out at Solitary when her walkie-talkie squawked that Beehive ready to go. As it typically erupts quite sporadically, we wanted to see it; let's just say we walked down there at a brisk pace.
Oohing and ahhing.
Here's a YouTube video somebody uploaded March '08, although by the way the onlookers are dressed and the quality of the light at 8:15 PM, I'm guessing it was most likely taken sometime in July. Note at 28 seconds the announcement of the event by walkie-talkie.